View Full Version : 2014 CCC race #2 @ HSH

2014.05.01, 08:48 PM
june 7th will be the date of the next race in the series

will get back with classes and times

hope every1 can make it

2014.05.02, 11:12 AM
Conditional class selection; GT-2(spec motor) LM-2(spec motor)
Can/Am-1( go, blow or put a hole in the fence)

2014.05.14, 07:33 AM
We have commitments from the NY/NJ area and our friends from the MD/DC area will be joining us as well for what will be a fun day of racing at High Speed.

We will be sticking with the classes mentioned as they are the most competitive. Can/Am-1 will be a real handful on our technical layout but it does afford the opportunity to showcase the most current technology.

Not sure of what will be available for prizes. Seems like everybody has enough sticker sheets and car stands but we will come up with something.

Stay tuned as things progress. It is only a tad over three weeks until Race Day!!

2014.05.15, 08:43 PM
CCC#2 2014

races will start at 11 am
canam open

20 dollars for the 1st class
10 dollars for the 2nd
5 dollars for the 3rd

cant wait and hope to see everyone

will be a great event

2014.05.25, 09:25 AM
We have commitments from the NY/NJ area and our friends from the MD/DC area will be joining us as well for what will be a fun day of racing at High Speed.

We will be sticking with the classes mentioned as they are the most competitive. Can/Am-1 will be a real handful on our technical layout but it does afford the opportunity to showcase the most current technology.

Not sure of what will be available for prizes. Seems like everybody has enough sticker sheets and car stands but we will come up with something.

Stay tuned as things progress. It is only a tad over three weeks until Race Day!!

2 weeks away for race day. looking forward to racing with Carolina's best;)
and cant wait to see old friends:D

2014.05.25, 01:15 PM
It will be good to see you again. Your room is almost ready.

2014.05.31, 07:18 AM
Only one more week until a good time is had by all.

2014.05.31, 01:17 PM
What time do the doors open Saturday morning?

2014.05.31, 03:38 PM
Probably 9:00 racing starts at 11:00 will verify and let you know.

2014.06.01, 11:05 AM
gt70 and Lm70 will both be handout motors(Cup Motors)
can-am will be run what you brung

2014.06.07, 06:58 AM
Race day. Everything starting soon. Thanks to all who attend and best wishes to those that couldn't make it. Likely a short field for this one but the show will go on. We will make the next one bigger.

2014.06.07, 09:47 PM
Thanks for update, Mike.

2014.06.09, 10:33 AM
Well. As expected it was less than a sellout for this one. We had a really good time. The results were no big surprise except that Tommy Lane ran a real strong second in Can/Am with an X-Power lipo car with a surprisingly small motor. I had a pretty good day myself by finishing no worse than last in any of the classes.

Matt should get the official results up pretty soon and the video's should be up here as well plus on the social media site that so many use.

We have two dates selected for Round three of this year's cup and an official thread will be created here in a day or two so anybody that might wish to attend can help select from the two dates and we will finalize.

As they say, "film at 11".

2014.06.09, 12:56 PM
Sounds good Mike.

2014.07.03, 03:22 PM
I found the results posted HERE (http://mini-zracer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=39817). Haven't seen videos yet. Are they up yet?

2014.07.03, 09:37 PM
I know matts little busy with stuff. I'm looking for to seeing the video. All the A main classes were very good Racing. Tight competition:D