View Full Version : New Mini Z Track

2021.03.26, 04:19 PM
I've posted this on Facebook but just in case:

A new hobby store opened late last year in Surrey - Maple Hobbies:


They're located on 56 Ave. near 152 St.

They've recently set up a small indoor track. A good place to practice and let your cars stretch a bit.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3d6PAaJzPV5POjoqwAAOu298qcR51YK8Yb87cUgCy7aFASka1b mxO64HPcSlmsaPSGBGG4ZQjEeezvaR8-ABwLsCiE5eYUsdgqTpF-A0E1FJvUNIEJTN0g3XNlark0CaNXVfIWpVYMIGwuP3hgLuaqB= w830-h622-no?authuser=0

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3coXYKh2oydJOuVqMj8WWOtcWaZzxFpC6qmjf5c9oZ8raWp6Xy j98eHE5W_JghegFITeCWrkuVXJkKddQZOGzNiJtNIWisDrhfVX Ev-Lg8grF0srjMtu4guNHHc7en6w4swn03gzipqFb58sQpuuY02=w 830-h622-no?authuser=0

2021.03.26, 04:24 PM
Looks like a nice place. We all have to start somewhere:)

2021.03.28, 05:22 AM
Stopped by Maple Hobbies to check it out. Nice shop, nice owners. Good variety of bits and kits.
Found a couple mini-z gems hiding in the corner....yellow hat gtr and chrome audi r8. I'd post pics but I can't figure out how to resize.

2021.03.28, 05:45 PM
without another app, the easiest way is to email from phone to yourself and select a smaller size file and it'll resize for you.