Conversation Between arch2b and Geo-Z
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
2013.07.06 10:50 AM
Dear arch2b,
Thankyou for the message on my thread concerning our shop (Sydney Mini-Z).
I'd like to recommence posting but I was warned, very harshly, against propagating libel by certain figures. Unfortunately I cannot say who or write anything more about the nature of their claims.
Threats were made as well. Not serious, personal threats, but stern consequences that may endanger the future of our shop.
I'm all shaken-up. At the moment my friend (the boss) is on a long vacation so another person and I are looking after the shop...I need his(boss) permission to post and even then the information must be screened by him.
He doesn't want to see the shop close down which I understand fully.
Thankyou for your input on not only my thread but the whole of in general. You've been a huge asset to us all. If you come down to oz and we happen to still be around, I'll buy you a coffee and one of our famous meat pies. Cheers, GeoZ