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machgo5go machgo5go is offline

DJ Eddie!

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
  1. bermbuster
    2011.07.03 10:56 PM
  2. bseo125
  3. machgo5go
    2011.03.22 06:35 AM
    Understood sir.
  4. ruf993
    2011.03.22 02:05 AM
    dont respond to I-lap it's taken care off...

  5. machgo5go
    2010.10.14 10:53 PM
    That is nice, never need to get out of your PJs!
  6. BuzzJGC
    2010.10.14 11:33 AM
    When you work for yourself it is a very very fine line!
  7. lilmj44
    2010.06.17 07:35 PM
    ill be sure to

About Me

  • About machgo5go
    Scary North East
  • Signature
    MRX Mclaren MP-12CGT3 PN 43T LIPO: X2
    MR-03 Mclaren MP-12CGT3 AT70T
    PN 2.5 Mclaren MP-12CGT3 PN50T
    MR-03 S2K Narrow AT60T Nihm
    MR-03 BRZ Narrow PN70T Nihm
    MR-03 Enzo Ferrari GT Concept Xspeed SP2012
    MR-03VE 2005 NSXGT AT 12000KV w/Lipo
    MR-02 Nissan R390 GT Lemans 39T PN
    AMZ Benz TC 8500KV
    X Power IDT Ultra 5600KV Audi
    X Power IMT Ultra 6800KV M3
    MB-010 FT86 Comic Racer 39T PN
    MF-015 Mclaren MP4-25 50T w/Lipo PN
    MR-01 Mugen NSX-GT 02 X Speed Retired

    MAJ'S HOBBY SHOP " A Place To Escape from Reality"! TD
    214 State St. Suite 209
    Hackensack, NJ 07601. 201-820-1347
    LIVE Mini-Z RACING EVERY Fri at 7 PM.
    Outdoor Saturday On Road Racing 1/8GTVE,1/10TC&USGT



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General Information
  • Last Activity: 2016.08.02 07:10 PM
  • Join Date: 2010.01.20
  • Referrals: 0


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