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marc marc is offline

Honda Insight Racer!

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 32
  1. pfcparts
    2020.05.14 01:18 AM

    You still into minizs by any chance?
  2. marc
    2009.09.27 09:49 AM
    No I don't. I don't have any Mini-Z's at the moment.
  3. okoye
    2009.09.26 09:41 PM
    marc do you have any awds for sale?
  4. paul_england
    2009.08.24 01:49 PM
    ah kk thanks, and what have you got left from that old FS thread? maybe the iwavers? any awd bits?
    if you come on msn would be easier to talk, i got you added. [dont post my personal email on here though, thanks.]
  5. marc
    2009.08.24 01:46 PM
    Nope, that's been loooooooooooooooooooooong gone. I'd like to find another one some time my self! Sorry man, I no longer have it.
  6. paul_england
    2009.08.24 11:53 AM
    hey marc, still got the white subaru xmod body?
  7. marc
    2009.08.08 09:42 PM
    Sorry, it is loooooong gone.
  8. okoye
    2009.08.08 08:23 PM
    marc do you have that red porshe still?
  9. okoye
    2009.03.10 04:20 PM
    i hate to be a bother
  10. okoye
    2009.03.04 02:53 PM
    ok ill be looking for it

About Me

  • About marc
    Mini-Z Specs
    four hopped up Mini-Z's!
    Born into an aviation family, but somehow got the automotive bug, what else?
    Colorado, USA!
    Fan of Honda's, Toyota Altezza, Mini-Z's and any small RC cars, digital music, import cars, automotive and graphic design diplomas.
    Student, always a student!


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 2013.01.24 04:22 PM
  • Join Date: 2003.10.02
  • Referrals: 1


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