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imxlr8ed imxlr8ed is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 12
  1. techno
    2021.01.02 10:03 PM
    hey dude !
  2. techno
    2019.10.15 06:00 PM
    Sorry to hear your trouble hope your on the Mend
  3. Gracer105
    2013.04.24 12:59 AM
    Your right I Stare at this car alot lol thanks for bringing me into the club man I
    I'm having a blast!!!
  4. imxlr8ed
    2011.08.22 11:22 AM
    Pmed you bud... good to hear from you again!
  5. racerquinn#1
    2011.08.21 09:45 AM
    ED, its quinn!!!
  6. SaiTam
    2009.07.12 02:54 AM

    I gave you a call around 11:00pm. For tomorrow the turnout for HFAY maybe very low. I don't know if it's worth it for you to drive such long distance. Make sure you call me or Willy before leaving PA. We had tons of fun tonight with HFAY they are still at the track as of 2:50am!!!!!!!!!!
  7. imxlr8ed
    2008.12.05 07:07 PM
    Cool, I'll PM you my addy tomorrow. The 13th seems ok for the majority of our racers so that's good.
    2008.12.05 05:54 PM
    Ed, just checking in to let you know that me, The Ringer, Matt and most likely Arch will be up there on the 13th for the HFAY large track event.. I figured I'd let you know now a little ahead of time in case you need to make any last minute changes.. If you don't mind maybe you can PM me you're address and contact info so I can get you're directions off Mapquest.. Thanks for you're time, take it easy, Jeremy..
  9. Ballz
    2008.11.20 08:32 PM
    Sweet. If you have any info on any clubs in that area, toss them my way man. Thanks Appreciate it bro.
  10. imxlr8ed
    2008.11.20 06:51 PM
    Wow... cool, yeah... used to run slots a long while back, but once I found the steerable versions... kinda lost interest. there's some pretty big clubs down around the Reading area... some have been around for decades!

    Good luck man... hope it takes off for you!

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  • Last Activity: 2023.02.15 07:40 PM
  • Join Date: 2004.09.11
  • Referrals: 2


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