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arch2b arch2b is offline


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Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 39 of 39
  1. Azooboy
    2009.05.23 05:03 PM
    Hi arch2b
    hope you're well.
    I would like to show pics of our new track. Do I need to post sticky?
    We believe we have just done one of the best Mini-Z tracks in the world.
  2. arch2b
    2009.04.05 12:22 PM
    al, i sent you an email
  3. ActionRC
    2009.04.05 03:27 AM
    Arch: Hi - It's Al from Action RC in NYC. I hope you are well. As I mentioned in my second to last post on my thread, please feel free to delete any message(s) that you feel are inappropriate. I have a situation where two of my customers have taken a disagreement publicly that shouldn't be, and I would prefer not to have any trace of this on my forum thread. I appreciate your help with this, and I have already spoken to both of them that I do not appreciate what they have been up to on my thread.

    Thanks again, Arch.

  4. arch2b
    2009.02.17 12:41 PM
    thank the guys in 7 cities for continuing the work of fostering growth and a friendly environment with their club.
  5. SkylineLvr
    2009.02.17 06:02 AM
    Action B said I should be thanking you. He has decided to give me an SAS for my new (and first) Mini-Z AWD. Thank you
  6. arch2b
    2009.02.13 09:42 PM
    sent an email to you
  7. motopilot
    2009.02.13 07:59 PM
    club in San Diego would like to post a sticky. Please email me at with instructions.
  8. arch2b
    2008.10.08 09:05 PM
    i don't recall what it was. i had not looked at that stuff for some time.
  9. Marianitem
    2008.10.06 01:18 PM
    Hi arch. Remember you sent me 4 ASCs? In one of them there was a light kit. I installed it and it has flashing fronts. It seems like there is some kind of "chip" inside that makes it flash. Did you build that one? Or you bought it ready to use?
    Would you tell me anything about it? A friend and I want to build something similar, but I´m keeping his hands away from this flashing kit . I don´t want him to open it to know what´s inside. Do you remember how or where you got it? Or what was used to build it?
    Well, any info is welcome.

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