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  1. Dr.Jones
    2015.11.09 10:00 PM
    Hey There!
    I am wondering if you can help me with my set up.
    I just set up a TrackMate system in my garage for my Mini Z's.
    Im running a newer mac book pro with OSX10.9.5

    Been trying to set up a car.
    Found system profiler (now called system report, I guess) and can see the FT drive there. Does that mean I don't need to do anything else, as far as adding driver goes? if its there, its detected? Does that question make sense?
    I plugged everything in then booted the computer up and it still inst detecting cars.

    The issue is that there is no automatic detection when i try to add a race profile... ?? I think Im doing it right. press scan, drive under, The trackmate stuff is illuminating properly, so its working,

    Im no wizard, but Im not useless.

    Thanks so much for your help. This software is super sick.

    FYI: Im running trackmate hardware and all the LEDs in that system are indicating that its working fine.
    Green for on-then orange as the car approaches and passes under.
  2. PaxTB
    2015.02.11 08:02 PM
    Hi pinwc4! I'm Giulio Saoncella from Italy, I send some e-mails about 1 year ago about italian translation and Lap Counter hardware for RC; I've translated it all (both software screens, menus and speech) and I'd like to upload the italian files to include (if You like) in your software. So, if You're interested about this, pls let me know how to upload. Thanks!
  3. Sinister_Y
    2009.02.14 09:42 PM
    Hey Man,
    good work on the app. Any plans plans for a windows mobile release? I think if u could turn out a personal lapcounter version using your mobile phone; that would be off the hook. talk about cool.
  4. pinwc4
    2008.11.07 11:34 AM
    This software right now only works with the Core Speedway lap counter which is not sold anymore, or you can build your own with the TI S6350 RFID module but that is very difficult. It will eventually be expanded to support other hardware.

    The Core lap counter would not work for 1:18 or 1:10 scale racing as the antenna loop has to go across the width of the track and it is only about 100 cm wide. Even 1:18 scale tracks are much wider than that.

    Thanks for checking it out though, it is always great to hear from other RC racing addicts.
  5. clabis71
    2008.11.06 05:12 AM

    I would want to have information in more on the " Flip Side Racing" , we are a group of friends that runs in Italy with car is 1:18 that 1:10, we would want to know what exactly servants in order to make to work the software, beyond at IDTag, and all the necessary one in order to make it to work without problems.
    Many thanks,



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  • Last Activity: 2015.05.22 09:47 PM
  • Join Date: 2005.08.26
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