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Old 2004.10.01, 02:21 PM   #1
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New to Mini-z scene!

Hello all, I just bought myself a MR-01 Skyline GT-R. Does that qualify me to post on this forum from now on?

Anyway I'm a fresmen at Carnegie Mellon univ, and fresmen here are not allowed to have cars. I also couldn't bring my 1/10 RC since I couldn't really find any place I would be able to drive it on. Let me tell you I'm both the car AND rc nut, and.. well you can imagine what kind of torture it is for me

so I began to look for something I would be able to enjoy inside in my room. (yes I'm one lucky freshmen with a single room ) then I found out about a mini-z

I bought the MR-01 because, there weren't any bodies for MR-02 that I liked. (and I'm also a broke ass college student.. go figure) After reading this forum, I assumed it would not have brakes. However, tower hobbies description mentioned brakes as one of its features, and turns out that it DOES HAVE BRAKES! (and it's a MR-01)

anyways here are some pics of my first mini-z :

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Old 2004.10.01, 07:16 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Prime12
Hello all, I just bought myself a MR-01 Skyline GT-R. Does that qualify me to post on this forum from now on?

Anyway I'm a fresmen at Carnegie Mellon univ, and fresmen here are not allowed to have cars. I also couldn't bring my 1/10 RC since I couldn't really find any place I would be able to drive it on. Let me tell you I'm both the car AND rc nut, and.. well you can imagine what kind of torture it is for me

so I began to look for something I would be able to enjoy inside in my room. (yes I'm one lucky freshmen with a single room ) then I found out about a mini-z

I bought the MR-01 because, there weren't any bodies for MR-02 that I liked. (and I'm also a broke ass college student.. go figure) After reading this forum, I assumed it would not have brakes. However, tower hobbies description mentioned brakes as one of its features, and turns out that it DOES HAVE BRAKES! (and it's a MR-01)

anyways here are some pics of my first mini-z :

That's interesting. The pcb's are interchangable.
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Old 2004.10.01, 07:39 PM   #3
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Welcome Prime12! What are you studying? A friend of mine is just starting as a Prof. there.
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Old 2004.10.02, 05:24 AM   #4
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greetings... and welcome to the forums...

actually it doesn't matter if you have a z or not... so long as you have any questions or anything to contribute, you are welcome here...

hmm... that's cool brakes on a mr01 eh?... maybe they've upgraded the boards on them... most of my mr01's don't have brakes...

good luck at your university... study hard... but don't forget to play hard too
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Old 2004.10.02, 12:44 PM   #5
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Wow freshmen can't have cars there? That's different, never heard of that before. Anyway onward...

Congts on the purchase of the Z
Nice R32 you're running there, good choice in a body... although you do have narrow rear tires and i'm not a fan of that myself.

As for posting on the forums, there are people here that have lots and lots of posts who don't even own a mini-z... so you're in the clear... as long as you don't spend all your posts talking about how your residence wallmate is having sex while you're trying to sleep, you'll be fine

That's cool that the MR-01s now have breaks... I heard it before somewhere but forgot about it. What I find interesting is that YOUR MR-01 has breaks. The reason I find this interesting is because that particular autoscale body is fairly old, and I would think that they only had OLD stock of it left at tower. Anyway, congrats!
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Old 2004.10.02, 01:06 PM   #6
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actualy it's quite common for some of the larger schools to not alloy freshman to bring cars with them. to be specific, i don't hink they can park them on campus/get a campus parking permit. this has alot to do with overcrowding an limited parking more than tradition, in my opinion.

i had to pay $300 a year to get a parking permit at catholic university and it wasn't even a guaranteed spot but that's parking in the district for you
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Old 2004.10.02, 01:09 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by arch2b
actualy it's quite common for some of the larger schools to not alloy freshman to bring cars with them. to be specific, i don't hink they can park them on campus/get a campus parking permit. this has alot to do with overcrowding an limited parking more than tradition, in my opinion.

i had to pay $300 a year to get a parking permit at catholic university and it wasn't even a guaranteed spot but that's parking in the district for you
Wow, that really sucks... poor freshmen.
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Old 2004.10.03, 02:04 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Twenty-Se7en
What I find interesting is that YOUR MR-01 has breaks. The reason I find this interesting is because that particular autoscale body is fairly old, and I would think that they only had OLD stock of it left at tower. Anyway, congrats!
What I find interesting is that you consider a body that was released just this past spring fairly old.
It was released around the same time as the Cobra and the 512.
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Old 2004.10.03, 02:34 AM   #9
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Now if it was the R34 Skyline, that would be old cause that was one of the first bodies when the Mini Z first came out. The R32 is a newer release.
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Old 2004.10.03, 05:46 PM   #10
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You're right, I was thinking of the R34...

But I thought it was the Taisan body that was released in the spring, why does that body have wide rears but the R32 has narrow?
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Old 2004.10.03, 07:33 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Twenty-Se7en
why does that body have wide rears but the R32 has narrow?

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Old 2004.10.03, 07:42 PM   #12
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On the Taisan they just use a negative offset wheel in the rear and you have wide rears... I think that if they were releasing the bodies, both the regular R32 and the Taisan that they would have the same sized tires...
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Old 2004.10.03, 09:56 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Twenty-Se7en
On the Taisan they just use a negative offset wheel in the rear and you have wide rears... I think that if they were releasing the bodies, both the regular R32 and the Taisan that they would have the same sized tires...

Like I said...authenticity. Kyosho bodies are very realistic. 1989 was the return of the GT-R. The gun metal R32 is a replica of that car and Nissan didn't put wider tires on the back of it.
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Old 2004.10.04, 12:58 PM   #14
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Hello and welcome!

I'm kind of new, too... got my first mini-z only some four weeks ago or so. In fact, the way I started with mini-z's was quite funny... my first kid was born 6.5 weeks ago, and during the paternity leave I had lots of free time so I bought an Overland (Yeah, I don't leave all the baby care to my wife... the little boy just happens to be such a calm person)

So what are you studying? fun? I graduated recently, studying was really lots of fun, but I don't complain about not having to do it any more I graduated from Helsinki Univ of Tech...

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Old 2004.10.04, 01:00 PM   #15
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welcome and gongrats moses my 2nd son is only 3/4 months old i only got a week (unpaid) off
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