Has anyone done the Life battery conversion for the mini z's. It seems I have to cut some plastics in the battery trays to get them to fit on my brushed buggy (asf)
I was wondering if its worth doing this conversion. It is after all a small boost in voltage 6v with 4 aaa to roughly 7v with fully charged LI-FE batts. Run time should be the same as the AAA.
Overall I am happy with my atomic motor but still seems to lack some oomph!
I got the life bats 2x500mah,the parallel wire and charging wire all for like 15$.
I welcome any opinions and suggestions.
[03/22/17] MZR was on vacation, didn't... : All kidding aside, the host experienced a bit of a server meltdown last week and efforts to restore the site to a new server took longer than anticipated.
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[06/30/15] shop.tinyrc.com: Have You... : Hey All!
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