Did the LiFe conversion (MR03 ASF) and now I have a problem... HELP!!
I added the 6.6v LiFe conversion to my ASF MRO3... it ran fine for like 30sec, then I turned off everything, unplugged the battery and went out to my living room... I plugged the battery back in and turned on the car and all I get is this slow flashing faint red light on the chassis and nothing else... what could be wrong?... I’ve even plugged a regular set of batts back in... same thing
Have you tried binding the car to the radio again? I assume polarity is correct in the life harness.
I’ll try in the morning... my car hasn’t been ‘unbound’ since I bought it when they first came out, but I’ll try anything if you think that could be it...
"He who KNOWS he's stupid is actually kinda smart"
Glad that it worked out for you. I've lost bind plenty of times with different cars and radios. Sometimes it has nothing to do with the car, more the environment around...
EMUracing Micro RC Syndicate /DG Designs /GSR /Reflex Racing /Fast By Faqish /MurderTown Racing
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