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Old 2018.07.07, 05:10 PM   #1
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New to Mini Z

Hey yall, New to mini z stuff. looking to match some sets of AAA batteries. I raced about 15 years ago with TC3 and JR Racing. been out of the grove for a while now. is there an all in one charger for doing this now? Used to have to have 3 different pieces of equipment. For right now I am using Energizer ultra Power Rechargeable. doing pretty good with just a conventional recharger. but like I said before looking to make some match sets when I get better batteries. any suggestions and links to items would be great.
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Old 2018.07.08, 01:32 AM   #2
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I use a Powerex MH-C801D to do the bulk of my charging, before and during race nights. It is very basic and easy, does eight at once, has two modes (fast and slow).

I also have a Powerex / Maha MH-C9000 Advanced Battery Charger that I use to check capacity to make sets, refresh batteries, and charge them. This used to be my only charger, but I needed more capacity and got the one above.

I stopped fussing with special batteries and run Eneloops and eneloop knockoffs from Amazon. A little less punch, but very even.

They're both around $60

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Old 2018.07.08, 02:38 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by SuperFly View Post
I use a Powerex MH-C801D to do the bulk of my charging, before and during race nights. It is very basic and easy, does eight at once, has two modes (fast and slow).

I also have a Powerex / Maha MH-C9000 Advanced Battery Charger that I use to check capacity to make sets, refresh batteries, and charge them. This used to be my only charger, but I needed more capacity and got the one above.

I stopped fussing with special batteries and run Eneloops and eneloop knockoffs from Amazon. A little less punch, but very even.

They're both around $60
Thank you for the info, going to order two of Powerex MH-C9000. And going to play around with a few different battery's b4 I settle in on sets for racing,
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Old 2018.07.08, 04:04 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by ZWilliams View Post
Thank you for the info, going to order two of Powerex MH-C9000. And going to play around with a few different battery's b4 I settle in on sets for racing,
It's a good choice. Around 80% of the guys in our club use one. Being able to fine-tune the charge rate is nice. Also nice is the "Refresh and Analyze" mode, after you've used several sets 20-30 times.

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