Special hours and day. Shop open at 12 noon, qualifying starts at 1pm. Fastest lap time during 30 minute timed period determines the starting grid. 2 hour timed race starts at 2 pm until 4 pm.
Fee is $25, $5 of which will go to lucky draw store coupons.
Details of format will follow shortly
Mini-Car Club of Canada (MC3)
Premier Mini-Z Race Track & dNaNo Sales in Toronto, ON Canada www minicarclubofcanada com
Not sure if you have done them before but they are a lot of fun. We do 30 runs every week with no battery changes. The brushless cars run much longer on a battery charge than the brushed cars do. We have done 4 and 6 hour races with two and three man teams. Enjoy guys!
preregistration required- draft rules follow in body of thread
If we do not get at least 8 racers, the race will be cancelled.
If the number of drivers exceeds 10, drivers will compete in teams of 2, arranged through lucky draw. Any single drivers, due to odd numbers, will compete individually but against the others.
To make it fair, they will have 24 laps added to their total at the end of the race to account for time lost having to change batteries with no teammate.
If the number of drivers exceeds 8 but is less than or equal to 10, racers will compete on their own. They will be responsible for their own Marshalling as well.
Qualifying will be 30 min where the fastest lap of the team or individually, if the case, will be used.
Teams are required to change drivers when their pack expires. Teams must either ensure both driver's car have the same transponder number or need to switch the transponder between cars. All cars must pull into the pit area before changing drivers.
Cars must run rubber tires and a plastic mini-z body. No lexan or pancar bodies. Motor, suspension mods and batteries are open. No traction compound allowe. Tire warmers are allowed.
Teammates not racing will Marshall not only their teammate's cars, but any car that needs help.
Winner or winning team will be the one that completes the most laps during the 2 hours.
Awards are still being planned.
Mini-Car Club of Canada (MC3)
Premier Mini-Z Race Track & dNaNo Sales in Toronto, ON Canada www minicarclubofcanada com
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