while trying to upgrade my fets, i thought i messed up and fried my board, so i replaced everything but the servo in my mini-z. actually, i didn't fry anything, but i soldered all the wrong side together. don't ask me why. i even had the pics in front of me. anyways, it turned out well as now i have a hybrid that can handle anything. pics of the conversion are at
- use the on/off switch from the mini-z. that way you have more room.
- the ESC just needed the cover removed to fit perfectly.
- you need an extra wire to get the mini-z servo connected properly
- you need to wreck a servo to get a new circuit board. i used a broken full size 1/10th scale servo.
- shrink wrap or electric tape all exposed electronics.
- save your original board.
- the car of course is much heavier. BUT.... you can now hack stuff to fit more batteries as you can mount electronics seperately. when i get bored this will be done.
- 4.8 volts seems to be enough for everything to run fine.
now.....if i could just.....fit...a...big...block!!!!!!
man that's cool... so was the overlander without the idler gear...
how did both run? was it any faster? how about stability considering you used the stock servo, any glitching?... three wires to four... how'd you do that?
very cool... actually somebody tried that over here... then he bought a kawada tripmate.... check out tinyrc.com and do a search on 'donut' which is his user name or 'kawada'... equally cool stuff from him too...
actually the kawada is very versatile too... adjustable wheelbase and adjustable trackwidth... you use micro electronics... and you will be able to use some mini-z bodies as well.... plus you can put in a servo saver too...
hmm brushless motor for a micro with full reverse and brakes?
what did you use? and where can i get it????
there's only one place i know where i can get it here... kinda steep... and since it's for a plane it only has forward and a brake (for those planes that have retractable blades)
herman. the overland ran way faster without the middle gear. seems more efficient too.
my hybrid actually runs a little slow on the start. i think it is the ko propo mars controller i am using. i have it set to traction/launch control where it softens a full pull of the trigger. gotta make a new car mode for it.
the servo was easy after reading about it. basically when you actually open your mini-z servo and normal servo, you will see how it is done. just use the stock mini-z stuff and the normal servo board. i used some big hitec one.
the micro rs4 brushless - it is a lehner warrior 7018 controller. it works fine. a little cogging but only on extremely slow startup. works just like it should and is easy to setup. fwd, rev and brakes. the hacker motor would be different if i had another chance. anyways, my spare micro is going to the chop shop so my 540 hybrid can be hooked up to slam into a wall at insane speed.
as for the 540 on the micro... it's been done... i mean somebody already made a micro chassis for the 540 motor... look in on some micro forums and you'll see it... i think blind (username) has one...
i can't imagine anybody putting a 540 motor in that thing... my hands are already full with a graupner 300, aka big block, speed 300 etc...
skydevil: you need a seperate servo circuit board to control the servo pot and motor since the mini z servo board is part of the big board. you SHOULD be able to use any servo board from a micro to a 1/10th scale servo. i used an old hitec 1/10th board.
if you have an old servo then you are ready.
the NON-mini-z servo will be referred to as OTHER from now on.
1)open up the mini-z servo but do not disconnect any wires yet.
2)open up the OTHER servo and get the board out while leaving it connected to the servo motor and pot.
3)you will notice that the mini-z servo has 2 wires to the motor and 2 wires to the pot while the OTHER servo has 2 wires to the motor and 3 to the pot.
4)take a digital pic or draw it out on paper of how the wires are connected just in case you want to go back.
5)focus on the servo motors and wires first. basically you will replace the OTHER motor with the mini-z servo motor and connect it to the OTHER servo board. watch which is +/-.
6)now look at the pot on the mini-z servo. notice the 2 wires connected to 3 prongs. desolder the bridge between the prongs on the pot and add 1 skinny wire to the middle prong so now the mini-z motor has 3 wires just like the OTHER pot.
7) face both the mini-z and OTHER pot's dial towards you. the dial is the center of the face of the pot where it connects to the gears on the mini-z.
8) now use the wires from the mini-z servo and connect it to the OTHER board in lieu of the OTHER pot.
now you can connect the mini-z servo to any receiver just like a normal rc car.
note:shrink wrap is a good idea.
a mini/micro servo board is preferred as it will of course take up less space.
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