2006.04.04, 05:52 PM
Mini-Z Magician
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Just How Important Bodies/Offsed Really Are:
Offset is extremely important in my eyes. I've found that wider offsets in the front tend to be more stable, but you give up steering in the process. I'll take some extreme examples so that this is understood easier:
575 GTC. Offset in front: 2.5 Rear: 3.0
This is the widest offset for a MR-02 that I've seen. The atomic VDS has 3.0 all around. But that isn't a Kyosho body, and it usually isn't allowed in a stock class race because of its physics of shoveling cars off of the course if you don't know what you're doing with it LOL.
Now, the 575's body is generaly heavy to begin with. Weight on tire usually means grip. So you'd figure that it has good steering, but this body just has great stability, and not much steering because of its wide front end.
Picture a tricycle, and a Quad. If the Tricycle were to go as fast as a Quad and turn full steer, which is more likley to flip? Definately the Tricycle. Because its front wheel, is smack in the middle, and this will cause more LEAN.
With that said, say you take a body such as the Mucrielago (I'm convinced this is God's gift to Kyosho and all Mini-Z'ers) This thing has 0 front offset, and 3 rear. This will yeild the Tricycle effect and give you the most steering, but because the offset of a MR-02 is wider in the front than a 01 given the same wheels, 0 offset in an 02 is plenty of stability. And considering that it has 3 in the rear, it is VERY stable on collisions and turns. Not to mention, you can run Enzo offset wheels on this flawlessly.
A body close to this is the Enzo. Only difference is that the Enzo's front offset is 1. But everyone has Enzo's that's why I went the Murcielago route, and I'm glad I did. Ever since I did, I've seen that body's reputation populate like a multiplication table.
One of the lightest bodies I've found that Kyosho makes is the McLaren. However, this thing has 0 offset all around. If set up properly, this thing can handle like an animal. But it's horrible on collisions.
Also another thing that me and EMU noticed was that not only are the White unpainted bodies stronger and more durable, but they are LIGHTER. And if you have read any of my Threads, you'd know how me and EMU feel about light cars. It's the only thing you can do (lightening) to improve power/handling/and braking all at once with one job.
Weight is important, but shouldn't be first or last on your list. Just worry about wheel safety, and offset. Here is a neat way of lightening the top end of your body: Lexan Windows
Hope this is helpful.
Last edited by MagicMan; 2006.04.04 at 06:22 PM.
Reason: Revision
2006.04.04, 08:49 PM
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Washington, DC
Posts: 35,481
again, i agree with everything you've said.
i run the 575gtc for the stability it offers.
you should also check out the testarossa. i think it has the same effect as the murci (to me anyway). i currently run the 360gct, 575gtc and testarossa
i like the tricycle comparison
2006.04.04, 08:51 PM
Mini-Z Magician
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Manhattan/StatenIsland NY
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Originally Posted by arch2b
again, i agree with everything you've said.
i run the 575gtc for the stability it offers.
you should also check out the testarossa. i think it has the same effect as the murci (to me anyway). i currently run the 360gct, 575gtc and testarossa
i like the tricycle comparison 
EMU has a Testarosa, yes, that thing definately has a good turn in and rear end stability. I'd love to see one painted, he has a white body. If yours is painted, link me. Because in white, I don't think they are very apealing.
2006.04.04, 09:03 PM
Mini-Z Magician
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Location: Manhattan/StatenIsland NY
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Originally Posted by arch2b
LOVING the paint scheme. Are you going to put decals? As for the 360 GTC. I find that to be near the top of the list for AWD's. That thing seems to (for some reason) drive very predictable. I guess because it's short. It's a tad wider than the mclaren, which basically means that it's a better handling version of the mclaren. You may want to try to put 0 offset in the front. (if your running it on a mr-02). Many people I know shaved off that front lip. I own one, drove it a few times, then tucked it away into my showcase. Sturdy body. Not as sturdy as the plain 360. But definately tougher than the ever so fragile 575gtc. I've re-enforced the heck out of mine by crazy glueing areas that are known to chip/break/crack. Again, that ones in my showcase, I don't drive it anymore. I keep them in mind condition. -the yellow collection- I'm sure you've seen it.
2006.04.04, 09:09 PM
Mini-Z Magician
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Location: Manhattan/StatenIsland NY
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Arch... The Testarosa is 0 in front and 3 in rear and a RM correct? If so, do they make them in Yellow?  I believe a shorter wheelbase from the Murcielago will give more turn in as well. My setup is so stable, I wouldn't mind trying it out considering that I have the ML damper and mount.
2006.04.04, 09:21 PM
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Washington, DC
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red, black and unpainted. sorry, no yellow unless you paint it so yourself.
i have yellow enzo, f50, 360, 360gtc and a 575gtc on my wish list.
2006.04.04, 09:24 PM
Mini-Z Magician
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Location: Manhattan/StatenIsland NY
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Originally Posted by arch2b
The only one that I don't have on that list that you named is the plain 360 in yellow. But once I got the GTC, I just didn't bother searching. I came across a B+ condition C5R the other day. In a mr01 chassis with MINT wheels. Bought it for 60. Put the body in the showcase. I'm happy because I'm using my other yellow one for the AWD.
Ask EMU about where to get bodies, He's the one that always helps me with getting things.
2006.04.04, 09:27 PM
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Washington, DC
Posts: 35,481
i too like yellow  i have a mint cr5, a beat up altezza, cruddy iwaver carrera as well however none of those get used or have been used in a very long time.
are you aware of any other 'tricycle' bodies?
2006.04.04, 09:31 PM
Mini-Z Magician
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Manhattan/StatenIsland NY
Posts: 154
Originally Posted by arch2b
i too like yellow  i have a mint cr5, a beat up altezza, cruddy iwaver carrera as well however none of those get used or have been used in a very long time.
are you aware of any other 'tricycle' bodies?
LOL at tricycle. Not off the top of my head, but I'm sure when EMU see's these threads tonight, he'll reply to this with every body that has that effect. His offset chart should tell us actually, I'm gonna go get the link to his post and paiste it here:
EMU made this for them:
2006.04.04, 10:06 PM
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Ann Arbor, MI
Posts: 1,198
Another good topic.
I personally just got a white body 360GTC and shaved the lip off to run in the HFAY OLPS on my MR-02. I had been running the 575GTC and loved the stability after finally got it setup right (including using an Atomic 94mm MM motor mount). But after HFAY OLPS race #5 I decided I needed to "risk" going with something lighter and skinnier than the 575GTC to have a chance at better HFAY OLPS results. We'll see how this turns out for me.
Another note in picking a body is the color(s). Personally I have found on a black RCP track that I need to run a light colored body (white, yellow, green, etc.) or put white stripes on a darker colored body (red, black, etc.). This helps me pick up my car and the direction it is pointing much faster against the black track (it probably doesn't help that I'm slightly red-green color blind  ).
Yet another thing to consider in picking a body is the front nose/bumper and rear bumper. The size, height and angle of your front nose/bumper will determine how easily you will pick up (and wipe out) another car when you come up behind it. Conversely the size, height and angle of your rear bumper will determine how easily someone else will pick you up (and wipe you out) when coming up behind you. I personally think the 575GTC has the best front and rear bumpers. Related note that I shaved the bottom lip on my 360GTC like most other people do because it tends to get stuck in the RCP foam side rails.
In regards to weight note that in this other thread stepchild weighed a couple different bodies and found the following:
Mclaren Gulf=33.7g
575 GTC=43.9g
A full MR-02 with batteries and body typically weighs about 175g to 190g. So the 10g difference in the Mclaren body vs. the 575GTC body alone amount to approximately 5% of the total weight of the MR-02 car.
Again as MagicMan stated, lighter is not always better. Especially if there is more bumping and crashing going on.
2006.04.04, 10:51 PM
Mini-Z Magician
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Manhattan/StatenIsland NY
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Originally Posted by hobbycar
Another good topic.
I personally just got a white body 360GTC and shaved the lip off to run in the HFAY OLPS on my MR-02. I had been running the 575GTC and loved the stability after finally got it setup right (including using an Atomic 94mm MM motor mount). But after HFAY OLPS race #5 I decided I needed to "risk" going with something lighter and skinnier than the 575GTC to have a chance at better HFAY OLPS results. We'll see how this turns out for me.
Another note in picking a body is the color(s). Personally I have found on a black RCP track that I need to run a light colored body (white, yellow, green, etc.) or put white stripes on a darker colored body (red, black, etc.). This helps me pick up my car and the direction it is pointing much faster against the black track (it probably doesn't help that I'm slightly red-green color blind  ).
Yet another thing to consider in picking a body is the front nose/bumper and rear bumper. The size, height and angle of your front nose/bumper will determine how easily you will pick up (and wipe out) another car when you come up behind it. Conversely the size, height and angle of your rear bumper will determine how easily someone else will pick you up (and wipe you out) when coming up behind you. I personally think the 575GTC has the best front and rear bumpers. Related note that I shaved the bottom lip on my 360GTC like most other people do because it tends to get stuck in the RCP foam side rails.
In regards to weight note that in this other thread stepchild weighed a couple different bodies and found the following:
Mclaren Gulf=33.7g
575 GTC=43.9g
A full MR-02 with batteries and body typically weighs about 175g to 190g. So the 10g difference in the Mclaren body vs. the 575GTC body alone amount to approximately 5% of the total weight of the MR-02 car.
Again as MagicMan stated, lighter is not always better. Especially if there is more bumping and crashing going on.
Great insight. I find rounded/angled noses are best for cutting turns, because if you graze them, they are more forgiving. The length of the rear matters as well for swingability. And as you stated, it does matter its shape because if someone rear ends you..... you could get some serious wreckage. I find the Mucrielago doesn't take rear ends nicely. It stays straight, but sometimes the front clip will come out.
What I tend to do to ALL of my bodies, is purposely break off the side clips, and then re-glue them visciously with large amounts... Now be careful, if you don't get this glue job correct the first time, good luck not ripping your doors off if you need to get the clips out the second time. The reason that I do this is to rid of some of the chasis play that some bodies have. Murcielago is notorious for this, so is the 575gtc, I'm sure there are many more as well. But reguardless, even if your car doesn't have the play problem, you should do this as to it will be harder for your body clips to come out of the chasis during a colision. Also will give you a more sturdy stance, and prevents the front nose from coming out of the front clip on some MM cars with a huge rear that folds on a rear end.
Hope this helps... Once again, keep up the great insight.
2006.04.05, 03:51 AM
Join Date: Oct 2004
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Posts: 7,417
Obviously you can allways run wide bodies with more narrow fronts... Some people that I know use 0n front on the Enzo with 3w rear (and he is usually the winner, but of course his driving is incredible)
The majority of my bodies are white bodies, so for the wheels I use various offsets that usually are not the stock ones, I find what I like best and stick with it. I have a bunch of different offset Atomic wheels for sizing, and I too like magic use the triangle effect for most of the stock class bodies.
Triangle club
Murcielago 0n/3w
Diablo 0n/2.5w
*Mercedes/Mclaren SLR 0n/1.7w (these are the offsets that I use on my 33.6g SLR body, C5R rear wheels)
Ford GT 0n/2.5w
F50 0n/2w
Testarossa 0n/3w
*575GTC 1n/3w (preffered stock class offset, for modified I use 2.5n CLK wheels up front)
Calsonic/Motul 350Z 0n/2w (for MR02's wheels rub at high speed sweepers, so shaving the body may be required, on AWD its perfect).
Corvette C5R 1n/3w (one of my best handling cars almost took 1st A main in its 2nd race)
Possibly the Lamborghini Jota. I have not test fit this on an 02, but it may work since it is 1.5n/3w on an 015... Ill have to get it to test
F40 0n/2w
That pretty much wraps up the triangle club... of course, you can still use the effect on alot of bodies that have less offset... like the 360, using 0n/1.7w (I think that 2w is a little too wide for that body, but the C5R wheels fit very well, magic almost took home a points series with the 360 with those offsets, NSX BBS front wheels and C5R rears  )
My favorite 98 body is the SLR, it is VERY good on collisions, barely gets knocked off line, and is very good on the rails, you can almost hit it head on and you will get straightened out rather than spun around. I havent used the Murcielago yet on a large track, but will soon  Enzo is good, but not too good on the boards with its super long square nose.
For 94 bodies, C5R, 575GTC and 360! I shaved the front lips to round the corners a bit so they dont hang on the rails. Testarossa is good, but a bit heavy even in white body form. All of my other bodies are sub 35g, Testarossa is about 37g...
For 90, F40
For AWD 94, Calsonic/Motul 350z#, Testarossa*#, F360, C5R*#
For AWD 90, F40*#, RX7 FD3S, 911 GT3R
*modification to body/chassis required to work on AWD chassis.
#Use of aftermarket wheels beneficial to fill offsets in rear.
Last edited by EMU; 2006.04.05 at 04:03 AM.
2006.04.06, 12:13 AM
Master of Thrash
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Location: Arkansas
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For all the threads in this series, this one is by far the best of the bunch.
2006.06.11, 01:27 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 17
Well I purchased a 575GTC because I found it most attractive to my eyes. I see that is is a bit esoteric in design though since it has a very wide offset for its wheels and is an RM design. IE parts are difficult to find. I purchased this car as a bit of an afterthought for something fun to do but now I am hooked... so...
I purchased some 2+ and 3+ offset front wheels as a test because I can't find any place that has 2.5 in plastic. I guess my question would be. Is it absolutely imperative that I use 2.5 with this body or am I really missing out either running 2+ or 3+ on the front?
Really appreciate any feedback.
Last edited by hoolahoop; 2006.06.11 at 01:30 AM.
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