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ruf ruf is offline


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  1. rocketman
    2009.04.16 03:04 PM
    Joe, I was offended, but I accept your explanation and understand how things can be misinterpreted on a forum like this and after re-reading your posts and your explanation, I see your attempt at humor. As you know, I am very proud of my Italian heritage and I hope that you are equally proud of yours. Please, however, don't lose your candor or sense of humor because it is very much appreciated by all who read your reviews of products and your approach to discussing subjects of interest with others. It is refreshing to read your comments and CT's about products and set up. Just be cautious when lumping a whole group of people together in a negative way as it can backfire. I have fallen into that trap also and learned the hard way. Moving past that issue...

    I have so thoroughly enjoyed the mini-z scene and it has brought back such great memories, I even got to renew a friendship with Bill Crotty Jr. I have not been able to run as much as I want to but am working in my shop at my driving and understanding the cars and the power equation and hopefully someday I can earn a spot on a drivers stand competing against you and CT and Jacob and my old buddy Bill. It would be an honor to earn that spot and it is what I am working toward.

    As far as smoothing this flap over, that has been done already. So when we do meet, it will be about racing and having fun and getting our Z on, friend.

    From now on, just,

  2. rocketman
    2009.04.16 02:06 AM
    Perhaps you don't consider your statements about Italian train conductors to be racist, but I do. I would never discuss anybody's heritage on a public forum nor will I support your company and I have supported your company quite handsomely over the last several months. Check with CT.

    Thomas Dal-Lero Belmont
  3. yasuji
    2009.01.22 02:08 PM
    ruf....we are coming to ocrc on saturday.... you will need to run a mod class... we r all bringing our pancars

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  • Last Activity: 2012.12.06 11:37 PM
  • Join Date: 2001.11.06
  • Referrals: 2


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