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Search: Posts Made By: mini-z
Forum: Mini-Z Dojo, Ann Arbor MI 2010.05.29, 03:33 PM
Replies: 14
Views: 2,259
Posted By mini-z
Like we'll have even finished track setup by...

Like we'll have even finished track setup by then! :D

FYI all I'm going to help Jason (now) so that's covered - if I'm a minute or two late from the detour, no need to freak out - just start...
Forum: Mini-Z Dojo, Ann Arbor MI 2010.05.29, 12:33 PM
Replies: 14
Views: 2,259
Posted By mini-z
Guys, in addition to food and drink etc....

Guys, in addition to food and drink etc. obviously, can everyone bring as many laptops/netbooks as poss. so we can set them up w/ the ZRound client ( and...
Forum: Mini-Z Dojo, Ann Arbor MI 2010.05.29, 10:29 AM
Replies: 14
Views: 2,259
Posted By mini-z
Arrow Updated plan on that actually Jerry: Derrick was...

Updated plan on that actually Jerry: Derrick was going to pick some up last night so he could go all Bobby Flay and marinate it overnight, but then he realized he has no place to stick that much...
Forum: Mini-Z Dojo, Ann Arbor MI 2010.05.28, 07:24 PM
Replies: 14
Views: 2,259
Posted By mini-z
Red face Apparently everyone's just going to txt me and...

Apparently everyone's just going to txt me and not actually post themselves, but Derrick says he is going to "go to Sam's, and make sure our meat is handled" - I have no idea who Sam is or what this...
Forum: Mini-Z Dojo, Ann Arbor MI 2010.05.28, 07:14 PM
Replies: 14
Views: 2,259
Posted By mini-z
Smile L, I'll bring my soldering rig etc. so we can get...

L, I'll bring my soldering rig etc. so we can get you sorted! :) I'm not sure how long we'll run, but you know we'll be there all night - I was thinking we could have some other challenges such as...
Forum: Mini-Z Dojo, Ann Arbor MI 2010.05.28, 03:43 PM
Replies: 14
Views: 2,259
Posted By mini-z
Chuck is in and just needs to coordinate...

Chuck is in and just needs to coordinate transport of little E; so, that's something like 8 people in at least; I'm cracking up that leonen is the third voter - are you going to stop by real quick...
Forum: Mini-Z Dojo, Ann Arbor MI 2010.05.28, 12:57 PM
Replies: 14
Views: 2,259
Posted By mini-z
Will has txted (as he's apparently not online...

Will has txted (as he's apparently not online 24/7 like Dan and I) that he's in favor of Enduro also. :)
Forum: Mini-Z Dojo, Ann Arbor MI 2010.05.28, 12:55 PM
Replies: 14
Views: 2,259
Posted By mini-z
Thumbs up C, thanks for responding - I'm open to all...

C, thanks for responding - I'm open to all suggestions, but my expectation is that it w/b time - e.g. who does the most laps in 2 hours. Rules for battery change w/b that the car must pull into the...
Forum: Mini-Z Dojo, Ann Arbor MI 2010.05.28, 08:43 AM
Replies: 14
Views: 2,259
Posted By mini-z
Thumbs up OK, Derrick, Carlos and Lawrence have all...

OK, Derrick, Carlos and Lawrence have all communicated their favoring an Enduro (but for some reason not made it as far as actually voting/posting :rolleyes::p), so that looks to be the direction...
Forum: Mini-Z Dojo, Ann Arbor MI 2010.05.27, 09:34 PM
Replies: 14
Views: 2,259
Posted By mini-z
Please cast your vote by 9pm Friday so that we...

Please cast your vote by 9pm Friday so that we stand a chance of coordinating appropriately in time! :)
Forum: Mini-Z Dojo, Ann Arbor MI 2010.05.27, 09:19 PM
Replies: 14
Views: 2,259
Posted By mini-z
Lightbulb Ann Arbor Mini-Z Dojo 5/29/10: Points at 7pm or Enduro at 4pm?

We talked about this at the last race, but need to figure out sharpish if we're really doing it - I'd appreciate it if everyone could vote, and if anyone has ideas/suggestions, please post t the...
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