Items will range from select collectible items found in warehouse storage or picked up for resale to members, remnants of parted out orders, unused returns with non-MIB packaging, and personal inventory items. These items are no longer in inventory and cannot be found in for resale, and are offered here as an opportunity to pass along the savings on items and/or a chance to pick up items no longer easily found, listed or generally in stock at
The rules for Direct Marketplace are inline with the public Marketplace.
1. No replies will be permissible from any Members. Only the author will be able to post replies.
2. Picture(s) will be provided for all items listed.
3. Clear instructions will be provided for contact.
4. Listings will be updated as soon as possible regarding the status of all items.
So, welcome and check in frequently to see what we’ve found collecting dust in a box, left over from a parted out product or unique items picked up by chance or opportunity to pass long to you!!
[03/22/17] MZR was on vacation, didn't... : All kidding aside, the host experienced a bit of a server meltdown last week and efforts to restore the site to a new server took longer than anticipated.
The current server is temporary until - more»
[11/25/15] Did You Hear? Our Black... : Hey Racers,
We're getting started a bit early with our Black Friday sale this year. Generally we're not supporters of retailers opening early on Thanksgiving, but in our case, we're - more»
[06/30/15] Have You... : Hey All!
Just a quick reminder to everyone that we post all of our Newletters here on the MZR Forum. If for some reason you miss them in your email inbox, you can always see the - more»