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Old 2010.12.17, 02:19 PM   #1
Mrs Mini-Z
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 680
Cool All dNaNo Products On Sale, Holiday Shipping Deadlines, Gift Ideas &

Hi Racers!
It seems like TinyRC just wouldn't be complete without dNaNo.  It's small, it's fast, it's cool and now it's on sale too!  We recently completed our integration of Kyosho dNaNo products from the Direct Forum to and to get the word out we're offering 10% off of all dNaNo products now through January 2, 2011.  This includes all Complete Chassis Sets, dNaNo AutoScales and Parts/Tools.  Just use the coupon code TRCDNANO at checkout to receive your discount.

Also, if you're still hoping to receive your order by Christmas, the USPS cutoff date for Christmas delivery via Priority Mail is Tu

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esday, De cember 21, and for Express Mail it's Wednesday, December 22nd.  As always, orders placed by 2pm are shipped the same day.
If the Speed Racer Mach, or K.I.T.T, or the Batmobile is at the top of your Christmas list (or was when you were 8 years old), don't forget about our collectible AutoScales available in the Direct Marketplace on the MZR forums.  With prices in line with new AutoScales, there is no reason not to make your 8 year-old Christmas dreams come true!

If you're out of time for shopping (for friends or even yourself!) or your partner just doesn't understand the difference between a Gimbaled Motor Mount and an
Inner Tube Shock Set, then a Gift Certificate is for you!  Gift Certificates are available in any denomination and are delivered via email any time of the year.

We also wanted to take a moment for a quick thanks to everyone for supporting this past year.  We're continuing to work hard to make sure that we meet your RC needs with great prices and excellent service.

Questions? Please open a Support Ticket.
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