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Old 2002.11.09, 09:06 AM   #1
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3004 vs 7389 vs 74xx

hi, i'm new to FETs, just wonder which is the best fet among 3004, 7389 and 74xx(forgot the rite #), i'm now using 4x3004, with a turbo and x-speed, it runs ok, a bit faster than just turbo and x-speed, i found the power band seems to be more linear now, just wonder should i add more 3004 on it, and will more fets draw more mAH? one of my frd use 6x7389 with turbo and x-speed, and it turns that his car gets more punch, but the turbo is very hot and the batteries last shorter then mine, so does he needa use 3004 or 74xx, or 7389 cant be use with turbo?? (* we are from Vancouver, not much ppl and shops here into mini-z)
form the Nation of Speed !!
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Old 2002.11.09, 11:03 AM   #2
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I would replace the 3004's with 7389's. Also, you shouldn't need an external turbo if you have stacked 7389's.
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Old 2002.11.09, 03:43 PM   #3
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7424 & 7805, if these are the ones you refer to, are not dual channel fets.. they would require a different PCB layout to operate.

3004 is just a stock fet... low amperage cieling..

7389 would be an upgrade... (I have some of these in stock but they are goin FAST...) Safe upto 30volts

3006 is same brand as stock 3004 fet, but are more similar to 7389, often cost more, and I think have less amps? or something...

This is not my information, this is just a summory of various posts found within this site, purhaps a post for the FAQ? .
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Old 2002.11.09, 05:08 PM   #4
Go, Z!
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thz for the info! i think i'll try 7389 later on!
form the Nation of Speed !!
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