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Old 2002.07.12, 03:57 PM   #1
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Question hop-ups...

Could someone tell me what hop-ups i should get first? Im gettin a little confused with al the diferent types you can get.
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Old 2002.07.12, 05:42 PM   #2
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Well my first recommends are to get the handling of the car good before you put some more speed to it... I will go for this list...

1. Tires
2. Carbon-Fibre H-Plate for the suspension
3. Ball-Diff, makes the car much more stabile during acceleration
4. Ball Bearings, the car runs smoother and alot of the "slob" in the wheels dissapears and it runs more silent..
5. Roll-shocks, springs and suspention options and when you have perfect balance in your car you can add some speed...

You can run it with a x-speed motor or even better the custom motor mini-z sells here in the shop.. After this you can upgrade the car even further with a "Turbo" who gives the car even more speed and acceleration.. Some motors requires turbo to prevent the internal esc of the Z to burn but with the X-Speed or mini-z "Custom Ball-bearing motor" your all safe...

*Its much of a taste when you should add speed on your Z but i always give the tip to improve handling first because if you add alot of speed on a car that doesent run well you actually gets alower and it gets even more impossible to drive...

Then there is tons of options and thats what makes our little cars so funny
Micke Pitzon....

Check out some of my cars http://mini-zracer com/gallery/pitzon
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Old 2002.07.12, 05:50 PM   #3
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Thumbs up

cool. I am buying a pakage deal i found on hobbytalk (another board) and it includes everything on your list ecsept(sp?) roll kit and suspention options. Yeah baby! cause that means im already a step ahead!


Oh, and could you tell me which is better- brand roll kit or kyosho one?

Last edited by Z-Guy; 2002.07.12 at 05:53 PM.
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Old 2002.07.12, 05:56 PM   #4
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Actually i dont know, i run the GPM oil-Filled shocks and they are alot better than Kyoshos for sure.. The " brand roll kit" i have no experience of but im sure other racers have...
Micke Pitzon....

Check out some of my cars http://mini-zracer com/gallery/pitzon
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Old 2002.07.12, 06:01 PM   #5
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How do I order the "Custom Ball-bearing motor"?
theres no *add to basket* button or anything. Do I have to contact directly to get it?
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Old 2002.07.12, 06:07 PM   #6
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Yes mail him and he will help you, i think there is a extreme "want to have" label on this motor so it might be hard to get one.. I will also order soon, must have some goodies to sweden
Micke Pitzon....

Check out some of my cars http://mini-zracer com/gallery/pitzon
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Old 2002.07.12, 09:21 PM   #7
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How do I order the "Custom Ball-bearing motor"?
theres no *add to basket* button or anything. Do I have to contact directly to get it?
We announce Pre-Orders every so often (sometimes don't bother to announce them, just put it in the Shop to reward casual browsers), and they sell out in only a few hours. Your best bet is to check the Shop frequently and if you're lucky you'll see the Motor listed under Powertrain.
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