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Old 2002.08.23, 03:02 PM   #16
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Well it says that the big piece is the middle plate...........
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Old 2002.08.23, 03:04 PM   #17
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ehehe nevermind
the only thing i can clearly see on the package are just the contents etc.........
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Old 2002.10.02, 01:53 AM   #18
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Hey guys, so about this caster kit...

It doesn't adjust any characteristic of the car at all. I have seen it sold as "caster kit" and "adjustable front end kit". I see how it is an adjustable front end kit because you just remove the top plate and can replace the springs very easily. However, That is the only thing different from the stock bulkhead. Unless there is something I am missing, which I'm pretty sure I'm not, this kit doesn't change / affect anything on the car.

I fooled around with it for about 30 minutes and couldn't see how it could possibly change anything. The kingpin holes are exactly where they would be on the stock bulkhead.

** edit: I know someone's gonna ask... that is a dummy servo case, no internals. That's why my steering is all funny. My ESC is getting the internal turbo upgrade done, and the servo is kinda hooked to it! I just wanted to build up this front end kit and see what it was all about. **


Last edited by Russ; 2002.10.02 at 02:03 AM.
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Old 2002.10.02, 02:42 AM   #19
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i am 99% sure that / \ is camber but i have no idea wat caster is
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Old 2002.10.02, 02:55 AM   #20
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the two words camber and caster mean the same thing!

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Old 2002.10.02, 04:11 AM   #21
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camber - looking straight at your car from the front view (with the body off) the wheels will look like / \ meaning the top of the tires are closer to each other than the bottom

caster - looking at your car from the side (car direction ---> or going to the right....) no caster the kingpin is parallel to the ground or I ..... with caster it's tillted towards the left or \

basically the main purpose of each is to attack corners more aggresively... not quite the same, but more or less serves the same purpose.
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Old 2002.10.02, 05:14 AM   #22
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hermans right.

castor is like dynamic camber, it increases the camber the more steering lock you add.

camber is the same all the time.

in the real world castor is better because it doesn't wear the insides of your tyres.

off road 1/10 buggy use loads of castor
Haynes Manual: Prise away plastic locating pegs...
Reality: Snap off...

Haynes Manual: Lightly...
Reality: Start off lightly and build up till the veins on your forehead are throbbing then re-check the manual because this can not be 'lightly' what you are doing now.
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Old 2002.10.02, 07:53 AM   #23
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no caster the kingpin is parallel to the ground
You mean perpendicular?
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Old 2002.10.02, 10:04 AM   #24
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One of castors main functions is to return the steering to center or to help do this look at a caster on a rolling chair when it changes direction it automatically lines up with the direction of travel Caster moves the contact spot forward or behind the pivot point as on a motorcycle. Camber helps to keep as much tire on the ground as possible as the suspension works it counteracts weight and torque as they react with the auto when in motion. A lot goes on while an auto is in motion. Caster, camber and toe are all different but basically work to keep as much of the tires print interacting with the road surface as possible.
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Old 2002.10.03, 01:38 PM   #25
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Old 2002.10.08, 01:37 PM   #26
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Ok, so maybe I was wrong.

Mini-Z Admin just got a fax from the Pres. of Squat and it said that there is 3° of fixed caster in this set. I measured as best I could, and it looked like the holes were in the same spot as on the stock bulk head, but I guess not.

So, this product is not mis-labeled in any way. I can't wait to get my ESC back from the FET upgrade to give it a run!!!

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