got the wife's permission to induge my addition while in Hong Kong.
there's a stree perpendicular to dundas street... don't know if it's fa yuen or tung choi (i need help here ang)... anyways the free tourist maps that are available at the airport upon arrival say that it's a ladies market (during early evenings 6pm to about midnight) so i guess you can point your better half in that direction while you go looking for your stuff (don't forget to tell her to haggle for everything, it's half the fun)... hehehe...
r/c shops open late and close late... so you can still get what you need up till about 10pm... some stores close even later than that...
write down and compare prices...
most shops have calling cards so you can remember where you've been...
and have fun and enjoy...
Now what should I get
it can get pretty out of control really quick with all the shops there... any where from bit chargers to 1/5 scale cars.... they got planes, heli's, boats... you name it...
if it's your first hand at any r/c the mini-z will suit you fine... another thing to look at is the ready to run mini-t.... then the m18 (last two i mentioned are 1/18 scale - a bit bigger but still in the micro category)
there will be some assembly required for the m18... and you will have to purchase electronics for it... esc, servo, reciever, radio, motor and batteries...
it will be fun assembling and running it... (i would reccomend the speed 300 motor)
Oh well I am sure I will figure something out...
i'm sure you will... good luck.... and don't forget to post them pics!!!!
I have been hitting the Discover Hong Kong website, my lovely wife has seen the Woman's Street Market, I did not realize is was close to the "I refuse to stop playing with toys Man's Street" She will like that... No problem with haggling for prices, she is 1) a woman 2) a born shopper (my sisters worship her as a shopping diva) and 3) a Filippina, she is genetically programed to shop and get the best price possible. I will be taking her with me to the shops based sole on her ablity to get the best price. I have been educating her with prices available here in this shop and a few other around the net including the HK shops own websites.
I must say that I absolutely love this forum! In just the few short weeks I have had a Mini-Z, I have learned tons of information. You all have made this newb feel absolutely welcome. Been on other forums/newsgroups that are no where near the community that this is.
Pictures, no problem, will do, I understand my obligations to allow others to live vicariously through this little business trip of mine...
Between family, friends and co-workers, I have no idea how I will get every back home! Plus I have to pack my new toys that I am determined to get... Feed the adiction...feed the adiction...
Haha, I was only kidding...well half kidding...though I bet if you took some orders you could make some $ for your addiction...I know I'd be willing to pay a bit extra... is right you know.... "i'll take two of everything"
here's another tip... i usually start shopping with an empty backpack... and stuff everything in there as time goes by.... it can get pretty full really fast when i'm on kwong wah st...
it basically enables you to carry more while you're shopping and saves you trips to and from your hotel... is right you know.... "i'll take two of everything"
That is exactly what everyone says! LOL
Originally Posted by herman
here's another tip... i usually start shopping with an empty backpack... and stuff everything in there as time goes by.... it can get pretty full really fast when i'm on kwong wah st...
Oh yeah, that's an old sailor trick, especially in Hong Kong when we had to anchor in the harbor and getting back to the ship meant a two to three hour advanture. Time better spent at a bar in Wan Chai. Of course that was back in my younger days, don't hit the bars much any more, but I still carry that backpack
[03/22/17] MZR was on vacation, didn't... : All kidding aside, the host experienced a bit of a server meltdown last week and efforts to restore the site to a new server took longer than anticipated.
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