Fangel, i bought a Iwaver 2 and am having problems with the cars reverse. When I hit the trigger to go forward, it reverses suddenly and then shuts off. It seems as though it loses contact with the remote. Sometimes, It won't go forward, I have to push it. I think the problem is some hair stuck in the wheels traction, but I have not found the tool to take them apart to clean them.
hum...very strange.
If your chassis goes into reverse when you try to make it go forward, it should be a reverse of throttle control, this could be adjusted in the transmitter.
As for the chassis not moving forward or being jammed, then you could take the rear end a part using the tools we have provided with the RTR set. There should be a nut wrench where you could remove the rear wheel and you should be able to clean it.
The kit that I bought did not come without tool to remove the
wheel! I bought a kit with black box, Iwaver 02 and not 02m. The body of my iwaver is a salem black. It would have to inside come tools of the box that?
Sorry my english again!
Last edited by saulo cunha; 2007.12.13 at 07:25 AM.
Your box was black...hum...
I think you either got the iwaver 02 prototype or you have bough a NanoRacer with a iwaver body.
Because it is not official iwaver / Firelap product, that is why the package might not be complete and the quality was not controlled. Even though this is the case, I'll try to help you out. You could actually a small clip to turn the wheel nuts to loosen it. Once you have remove the wheel you could clean up the gear.
Also BryceVR might be on something, you could check your ABS setting, it might have been on stuck and causing the chassis to lock up.
I would like to revive this thread... I hope fangel is still with iwaver .... I was talking to one of the sales agent of a chinese company which I think is an OEM of iwaver... they would be releasing the 2.4Ghz module for Iwaver next month.
It will have this type of controllers (a futaba 3PM look-alike):
On the Iwaver 04 (the All-wheel-drive version), they say is still in prototype testing... no assurance if it would be released sooner.
unfortunately, i doubt fangel is still with iwaver which is unfortunate as he was eager to join and support our group here.
sadly, i don't think anyone at iwaver is wiling to take over i hope that does not indicate financial difficulties for iwaver? while they were not 100% with all their products, they were at least an alternative and provided some ingenuity to review and evaluate against the standard. competition is sorely missed at this scale.
that was quite a sad news (absence of fangel)... I read most of his post about Iwaver... he was indeed very helpful.
anyway... if my transaction with Shenshe Longsun Electronic Co. Ltd. about the 2.4Ghz pushes through and if the product gets into commercial production, I will update the forum.
how about pics that would show what each variant looks like?
I would be posting photo of some of the chassis. There are a few that has been discontinue for ages and could not be photographed. Other might be unreleased model that are in the pipe line.
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