I have a question regarding the winning cars.... Are you guys gonna take the top 2 as finalist, take a look at the cars in person, then determine the winner or just be guided by the photos we submitted?
Thanks for asking. The plan was to select one "winner" from all submissions and feature that car on the MZR header. I like the idea of rotating though, but since I am not the technical person, I have no idea how feasible that is with what we're working with.
Thanks to all for your great looking submissions so far. If anyone out there is ready to challenge these guys, you've still got a few days left!
Thanks! - Mrs. Mini-Z
Originally Posted by J-Milz
I have a question regarding the winning cars.... Are you guy gonna take the top 2, or three and have a look see in person or just be guided by the photos we submitted?
I tried to edit my post in time. Too late. I came across a bit misunderstood. My original question was intended to ask if you guys were gonna judge the the top 2 finalist cars in person or just by the photos submitted.
Oh, I see. The plan is to judge based on photos to make things easy. The winner might need to be re-photographed though for the official header.
Originally Posted by J-Milz
I tried to edit my post in time. Too late. I came across a bit misunderstood. My original question was intended to ask if you guys were gonna judge the the top 2 finalist cars in person or just by the photos submitted.
So what is the verdict? Or are people getting more time to work on their project? They are a few people that said they would submit something and have not, where are you guys?
Philip Vincent
"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power." - Abraham Lincoln
Hi Everyone! Thanks so much to all who participated, and sorry for actually taking the weekend off of work! The winner will be announced soon - I promise!!!
Hi Everyone! Thanks so much to all who participated, and sorry for actually taking the weekend off of work! The winner will be announced soon - I promise!!!
Who is the winner
Philip Vincent
"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power." - Abraham Lincoln
Hi all, i thought i'd use this oppotunity to update my entry, i know the comp may have closed but i wanted to do the sides of the wing and give it a No.10 for the anniversary originaly...instead of my transponder No.20 as in previous pics...
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[06/30/15] shop.tinyrc.com: Have You... : Hey All!
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