Thanks either way. I really appreciate the help. Might be one of those things that just isn't meant to be. He may be purchasing one of the new RWD models.
from its looks, the kt18 kinda looks blah... however it is an underrated radio...
i'm pretty sure that you can set the steering endpoints...
if i remember correctly, for more steering to the right... turn steering wheel to the right, then press the right trim until you reach the desired right end point...
do the same for the left... turn steering wheel to the left, then press left trim until you reach the desired left end point... hope this helps...
there's a link in my signature to kyosho manuals... check the one for the kt18... good luck...
Can I put a MR-03 EVO board in an MR-02 if I just switch the servo motor?
Thank you
Maybe, but you would have to do some dremelling and reconfiguring of the top cover. There is a DasMikro ASF board that is much more of a direct replacement.
I figured the cover would need adjustment, if not all out removal.
I want to change so I can use a different protocol. Too many different transmitters, want to unify. Brushless would be nice also.
The only thing about the EVO board is I'm not certain how much it depends on a tight-fitting top cover to hold the receiver in place. I mean, it snaps in, but it's sometimes not the most secure connection. You can probably get it to work, with a custom cover.
[03/22/17] MZR was on vacation, didn't... : All kidding aside, the host experienced a bit of a server meltdown last week and efforts to restore the site to a new server took longer than anticipated.
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[11/25/15] Did You Hear? Our Black... : Hey Racers,
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[06/30/15] Have You... : Hey All!
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